Update to our mask policy - effective Monday 2/28

Hello, friends!

As the State, City, and CDC lift their mask mandates, we want to check in and let you know what to expect when you arrive in the studio.

As of Monday February 28th, masks are no longer required in the common areas of the building. 

While our staff slowly adjusts to taking our own masks off, we welcome each client to decide for themself what they feel comfortable with. 

If you would like to remove your mask in the studio, please feel free to do so. If you would like to keep it on for a while, we understand and welcome you to take your time. Our staff will wear masks for a few more weeks while we keep an eye on the numbers.


Some things to be aware of:

  • You may pass unmasked clients while entering or leaving the space.

  • At least 99% of our clientele are fully vaccinated.

  • We have two air purifiers in the studio that run continuously throughout the day.

  • As always, please reschedule if you are not feeling well.

  • We will continue asking our covid protocol questions to keep everyone as safe as possible in our studio as we make this new transition.

We look forward to seeing the bottom half of your face again!

-Team AKS


Creating beauty, not waste: AKS is carbon neutral!


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