Big Schedule Announcement


This is a hard email to send out, so let’s just rip the band-aid right off. As of 1/1/22 we will no longer offer Saturday appointments. 

But why? Honestly, it comes down to family. The pandemic has taken its toll. My kids need me home with them 2 days in a row. I need to be home for myself 2 days in a row. I love working and I love my clients and yet, to stay productive, creative, and happy something has to give.

I know Saturdays are the only day some of you are available for appointments. Teachers, I’ll be offering some national holiday and school break dates throughout the year. And again, here are the names of some stylists I would trust with my own hair.

Starting in January, our new schedule will be Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-4pm. We’re working on rescheduling appointments already booked for 2022, let us know if you haven’t heard from us yet.

Please know I didn’t make this decision lightly. And just thinking about hitting “send” on this email is giving me a stomach ache. I can’t be more thankful for your support and loyalty over the years and I’m grateful to all of you for understanding that I need to claim this space for my family right now. 

Thank you, 



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